Registre Plan local d'urbanisme métropolitain

Delimited textExports results as delimited text file.HTML TableExports results as an HTML table.HTML Table (Quizz)Exports results as an HTML table with extra data (Points / Max points.JSON documentsExports results as JSON documents.YAML documentsExports results as YAML documents.
This is the delimiter used in the CSV/TSV file when downloading webform results. Using tabs in the export is the most reliable method for preserving non-latin characters. You may want to change this to another character depending on the program with which you anticipate importing results.
Column header format
Options single value format
Options multiple values format
Options item format
Entity reference format

The selected columns will be included in the export.

Titre Nom Date type/Element type
Serial number serial integer
Submission ID sid integer
Submission UUID uuid uuid
Submission URI uri string
Créé(e) created created
Completed completed timestamp
Modifié changed changed
Is draft in_draft boolean
Page actuelle current_page string
Remote IP address remote_addr string
Submitted by uid entity_reference
Langue langcode language
Webform webform_id entity_reference
Submitted to: Entity type entity_type string
Submitted to: Entity ID entity_id string
Verrouillé locked boolean
Épinglé (en haut des listes) sticky boolean
Notes notes string_long
Ville ville select
Sujet sujet textfield
Message message textarea
Pièces jointes pieces_jointes managed_file
Published published radios